Digital Policing Police

The Project

TVP/HC identified financial and time efficiency savings could be realised by becoming an agile enterprise and operating as a seamless mix of digital workers, human workers, and systems dynamically automating processes everywhere from the back office to the front line. Rather than outsource they identified that they could build an inhouse team consisting of a Head of Digital, Lead Developer, Developers, Junior Developers and Business Analysts who could successfully deliver the prototype that would allow them to showcase the benefits of Robotic Process Automation (RPA)!

The Challenge

A hyper competitive talent market alongside a limited budget and tight timescales meant there was a very limited talent pool from which to find candidates. This was made more challenging by the need for the team to gain Non-Police Personnel Vetting (NPPV) clearance. The team were also recruited during the global pandemic meaning face to face meetings were not possible.

Our Solution

We proposed the use of a fixed term contract resourcing model for the prototype meaning there were no long-term cost commitments whilst proving RPA was commercially viable. Due to the ongoing pandemic we introduced a blended interview process where interviews were conducted via teams or were recorded with DataCareers on video interview software and submitted to TVP with an application pack. Once the concept was a proven success our solution enabled the fixed term resources to be retained on a permanent basis at no additional cost
DataCareers supplied a complete project team of highly skilled Blue Prism certified professionals who successfully designed and implemented the prototype. In the first six months since the prototype, the team have built and deployed a further 10 data entry and data validation automations (taking data from one place and entering it to another therefore validating data to highlight any discrepancies) significantly reducing the reliance on employees and the associated costs

Helping TVP to understand what makes someone an unsuitable hire and which enables us to define what we should be looking for in excellent hires.

Understanding the competencies (knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes and behaviours) that will allow us to source only highly suitable candidates.

Building a standard assessment methodology using their competencies to predict high performing candidates.

Implemented video interviewing to streamline interview process moving from 3 / 4 stages to 2.

Created a sourcing framework and questionnaire for all applicants to ensure they would be able to pass vetting should they be hired.